الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2016

تقوية القدرة الجنسية عند الأزواج

 تساهم بعض الأغذية في تحسين القدرة الجنسية للأزواج، وذلك لدورها في زيادة تدفق الدم إلى منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية، وشحن الجسم بمزيد من الطاقة والنشاط، حيث أن هذا الدم المتدفق ينشط الأعضاء التناسلية ويسهل عملية الانتصاب للرجل.

أثبتت الدراسات الطبية   أن هذه الأطعمة تقلل نسبة الكوليسترول في الدم، مما يساعد في سرعة تدفق الدماء في الشرايين، كما أنها سهلة الاحتراق، وبذلك يستطيع الجسم الحصول على الطاقة منها سريعًا، فيزداد نشاطًا وحيويةً، وهو ما ينعكس إيجابيًا على العلاقات الحميمية بين الأزواج، نقدم لكم هنا بعض الأطعمة التي تعمل على تحسين القدرة الجنسية للأزواج :

– المكسرات: يحتوي الجوز على الأوميجا 3 الذي يعتبر من بين الدهون غير المشبعة، وهذا المكون يزيد نشاط الرجل بشكلٍ ملحوظ. .

– عسل النحل:  يحتوي على مركباتٍ ومواد غذائية تمنح الزوج شحنة من الطاقة والنشاط التي تنعكس إيجابيًا على المعاشرة الجنسية.

– التوت: يصف البعض التوت بأنه الفياجرا الطبيعية لدوره في حل مشكلة الرجال الذين يعانون من مشكلات الانتصاب، لكونه غنيا بالألياف

القابلة للذوبان، التي تساعد على دفع الكوليسترول الزائد خارج النظام الهضمي، وينصح بتناول التوت أو شرب عصيره على الأقل ثلاث أو أربع مراتٍ كل أسبوع.

– البصل : خاصة– الخرشوف (أرضى شوكى): اذا أكلت جذور الخرشوف مع العسل كانت منبهة عظيمة للقوة الجنسية– الزنجبيل : يحسن الأداء الجنسي عن طريق تحسين الدورة الدموية، حيث أنه من المعروف أن الزنجبيل يقلل من لزوجة الدم.

– الشكولاتة السوداء : تحتوي على مادة (الفينيل ايثيل أمين) والتي تحفز إفراز الأندروفين وهو المعروف بهرمون السعادة، ولقد جاء في

مجلة (الطب الجنسي) الأمريكية أن الشكولاتة السوداء تزيد من التجاذب بين الجنسين، كما أثبتت الأبحاث أن من يتناولون مكعب واحد من

الشكولاتة الداكنة يوميا يكون أدائهم الجنسي أفضل.

– الخس : يحتوى على فيتامين “هـ” المضاد للعقم والخاص بالتناسل.

– القرفة لتنشيط الدورة الدموية: القرفة هي إحدى التوابل المعروفة في العالم العربي، ولها العديد المنافع الصحية أهمها تنشيط الدورة الدموية وبالتالي تحسين نمط العلاقة الحميمية مع الزوج.

–  الموز : يساعد  في تقليل الكوليسترول بالدم وسرعة تدفقه إلى الأعضاء التناسلية.

– الهليون : من أقوى المنشطات الجنسية وذلك لاحتوائه على فيتامين B وحمض الفوليك، واللذان يرفعان من مستوى الهستامين في الدم،

وهو ناقل عصبي يساعد على الوصول للنشوة الجنسية، كما يحتوي على مادة (البروتو ديوسين) والتي تعمل على رفع مستوى الإثارة

وتعالج الضعف الجنسي. المضاف إليه الخل أو المطبوخ باللحم يزيد من القدرة الجنسية  ويعيدها إذا أنقطعت.

– الأسماك والجمبرى والمحار البحرية الفسفور:  يعمل على تقوية قدرة الرجال الجنسية .

– زيت بذور البقدونس والبقدونس : يستعمل فى حالات الضعف الجنسى بالتحديد.

– الكرفس: جذور وأوراق الكرفس، اذا أكلت نيئة أو مع السلاطة، تفيد فى علاج العجز الجنسى.

منقول من موقع ثقف نفسك

الأربعاء، 2 نوفمبر 2016

Behind Closed Doors

I was adopted. I have never seen my birth mother, more truly, I had been living with her, but I was so little to remember her. I loved my adoptive family. They were so kind to me, it was snug as a bug in a rug and I went to bed rather late. 
Let me introduce you my family. Firstly, my mother, Janice. I had never called her “mom” or like that. But she had no objections at all. I think she didn’t even notice. She was very kind and careful woman. Sometimes I curdle my head in her laps when we were watching TV and she was stroking the back of my head. Secondly, my father. His true name was Richard. Frankly speaking, he didn't like me so I tried to call him “dad” in a desperate attempt to conquer his love. It made no good. I think it didn’t matter the way I had called him. He wouldn’t love me as he would love his own child. It was clear, so I didn’t insist on. Father was mostly known for his uncompromising severity. He felt free to pommel his daughter when she was naughty. And of course, he slapped me too. Okay, doesn’t matter, it’s just his methods, that’s all.  
Finally, my little sister. Emily was literally very little when I was adopted. We were almost the same age, she was a little bit older than me. However, I liked to think of her as my kid sister. We got on with her even better than many siblings. We had always stayed up late and just talked. She liked chatting. For the most part I just listened to her, because I loved her. I was in tune with her. Really. We don’t have many rooms, and I didn’t want to sleep in a living room alone. She allowed me to sleep on the floor beside her bed. There I always fell asleep. I liked to sleep near her, I felt secure under my little sister's wing. 
One hideous day things changed. I was home when little Emily opened the front door. The sound of opening door snatched me from the land of Nod and I ran down the stairs to living room. That moment I understood it was Wednesday. I had never cared about days of week. I simply lived making nothing of what was the day. Frankly speaking, I have terrible sense of time! Whatever the case, I understood that it was Wednesday, because Emily came from a church – she visited children’s meeting. She came in and gave me a hug, she was followed by dad and Janice. 
”Did you have a good sleep?” Janice asked me, stroking my hair. I just shook my head and sniffed.  
“Don't you dare sniffing like that!” dad said roughly. He closed the door and hung his coat. Emily went upstairs to her bedroom, and I followed her. She started to tell me about her day... common gurlie weekdays. However, I listened to her as if I was really interested in. She finished her story and offered to watch TV. I agreed and jumped up on the couch, when she made a reach for remote. TV was on and we had been watching it till the sun-down. Emily was one of girls who prefer such channels as Discovery, Animal Planet and National Geographic to cartoons and serials. I liked them too that’s why I didn’t raise objections. In sober fact they were the sole channels, which attracted my attention.  
It was already late when Janice came. “Emily, it’s time to go to bed. Turn off the TV and go to your bedroom. And you too,” she pointed at me. Emily turned off the TV and stood up reluctantly. I followed her, but I couldn’t get rid of feeling that something was wrong.  
We came to the Emily’s room and switched off the light. But the moment before the light was out I had gotten a sight of something out of the corner of my eye. Something was outside behind the window, but I had scarcely looked back when it disappeared. I cocked the ears and decided to be on my toes for my sister’s sake.  
I was laying in the dark, only a thin ray of light from a street-lamp slightly lighted the room. I could swear I heard dull roar outside… palpitation of the leaves, rustling of broken branches, whishing of clothes… the whole time I felt whiff of sweat and blood. I decided not to sleep that night. 
Then sounds faded away, that odour disappeared. I calmed down, my eyelids became heavy, I closed my eyes.  
Not long after I heard a loud crash from the other side of the house. I sprang in a flash. “SOMEONE IS IN THE HOUSE!” I roared, all my body was shivering with anxiety. “WAKE UP!” I started to drag Emily off the bed. When she awoke, I rushed to parent’s bedroom…  
Dad was dead. His neck was cut, blood was flowing from a gaping of a wound creating a puddle on the floor. I saw the bathroom door was closed, a strange man stood at the door. He was very big. He turned back and looked at me then I saw his face for the first time. I’ll never forget it. His eyes were small, as beads, cold and wicked. He has dirty beard and untidy clothes, all his face was smeared with blood. And then I felt that familiar whiff of sweat and blood, but that time it was entirely disgusting.  
He saw me and gave a smile, baring a set of crooked yellow teeth. A shudder went through me. I thought I was about to die, but he turned to the bathroom door paying no regard to my presence. I was in a cold sweat and didn’t know what to do. I was howling and crying. I saw him knocking out the door that protected mother. I saw he took a big razor and started to cut mother, chopping her to pieces… 
Then I heard the last thing I wanted to hear… it was Emily’s cry who stood behind me. The big man looked at my little sister, then stood up and came to us. My sister turned and ran. He blasted past me and chased after her. Why she stayed at home? Why she didn’t run away? Then she had a hairbreadth escape, and I was the only one who could save her. I ran after them. I expected the man would kill her as he had killed others, but I was quite wrong. He grasped her arm and dragged her through the house… I tried to make more noise, hoping and praying that someone would come to help. He caught Emily and shut her mouth choking her cries.  
When he passed by me I pressed myself against the wall and uttered a whine: “FOR WHAT?”.  
He sneered again and said in a cold unnatural voice: “Keep silence. You’re a good boy, aren’t you?”. 
He dragged my sister to the front door and I ran after him. He opened the door, dragged Emily outside and shut the door. 
Now I’m sitting in the house with corpses of my foster parents, trembling and whimpering with anxiety. He is somewhere with Emily, heaven knows, what he is doing to her, and I cannot help her. I would help her if I could, but I cannot. I’m just sitting here looking at the door. Looking at my paws. If only I could open the door. 

الثلاثاء، 1 نوفمبر 2016

Ways to Beat Ransomware

{Ransomware {risks|dangers|hazards} {aren't} new to {the web} community today.|Today ransomware {risks|dangers|hazards} {aren't} new to {the web} community.} Unlike {start} when ransomware attacked users {occasionally}, {now it is bombarding users with various versions and updates {nearly every} day.|now it is bombarding users with various {variations|types|editions|variants} and {improvements|revisions|changes|posts} {nearly every} full day.} {That is} important {to comprehend} that ransomware threats {will be the} real {risk of} today's time. {Attackers are {creating|triggering} real damage to the users with their malicious codes and practices.|Attackers are {creating|triggering} real damage to the users with their malicious practices and codes.} {Thus in present situation users are also practicing some smart tactics {to avoid} ransomware threats.|Thus in present situation users are {training|exercising|rehearsing|doing} some smart {techniques|strategies|methods|practices} {to avoid} ransomware {risks|dangers|hazards} also.} Let's discuss few steps to avert ransomware attacks.

Take preventive {steps|actions|procedures|methods|options}: {Like a|Being a|As being a|To be a|As the} {primary|main|most important} step take {precautionary} measures {to avoid} ransomware attacking you. These steps {will help you|can assist you|may help you|will let you} safeguard {one's body} {initially} place. These {precautionary} {steps|actions|procedures|methods|options} include below-mentioned steps:

{Use a} reputable security {collection}: {A lot of the} ransomware {episodes|problems|disorders} happen through {harmful|destructive} links in {email messages|e-mail|e-mails|messages} and through {contaminated|afflicted} websites. The anti-malware program can {check out|check} and {discover|find} such spam {email messages|e-mail|e-mails|messages} and {harmful|destructive} websites {to avoid} them at {the original} {level}. Use software firewall {safety|security|safeguard|coverage|cover} {plus a} good anti-malware program {to help make the} second {type of} {protection|security} against any {computer virus|disease|pathogen|trojan} attack. {{In this manner} you can secure {one's body} without {engaging in} trouble.|This real way you can secure {one's body} without {engaging in} trouble.}

Change browsing {habit|tendencies|patterns|action}: {This is actually the} known fact {that a lot of} virus {episodes|problems|disorders} happen via {harmful|destructive} links and {contaminated|afflicted} websites. Thus by changing browsing {habit|tendencies|patterns|action} can {save your valuable} system from any unseen trouble. {{Never} {open up|available|wide open} links or {email messages|e-mail|e-mails|messages} {that have} an {unfamiliar|unidentified|mysterious|undiscovered|anonymous} source as a sender.|{Never} {open up|available|wide open} {email messages|e-mail|e-mails|messages} or links {that have} an {unfamiliar|unidentified|mysterious|undiscovered|anonymous} source as a sender.} {Usually do not} open any lucrative ad or another {connect to} {stop your} system from possible ransomware attack.

{Arranged|Established|Placed|Establish|Place} system restore point: {That is} {a powerful|an efficient} step to keep {one's body} safe against any possible data {reduction|damage} {credited|scheduled|anticipated} to ransomware {assault|strike|harm|episode|invasion}. System restore point {almost|nearly} takes the {back-up|back up} of {your entire|your} important files {to enable you to|so as to} {gain access to} that data in future eventualities.

{Back-up|Back up} data: Take this {precautionary} {solution|strategy} to avert any data {reduction|damage} {in case there is} ransomware {assault|strike|harm|episode|invasion}. Take data {back-up|back up} at regular intervals. Take this {back-up|back up} on {exterior} drives or on cloud {machines} {to enable you to|so as to} access and {bring back|regain|reestablish|repair|rebuild} this data anytime {everywhere} you want.

Keep {one's body} {up to date|kept up to date|modified}: Many ransomware attackers {focus on|concentrate on|aim for} those systems {that are not} {up to date|kept up to date|modified} as these old systems {stay|continue to be} prone to {computer virus|disease|pathogen|trojan} attacks. {That is} important {to learn} that every {upgrade|revise} {includes} certain {insect} fix and security {improvements|revisions|changes|posts} against such malware {episodes|problems|disorders}. Thus it becomes important to keep {one's body} {current} with latest {Operating-system} {improvements|revisions|changes|posts}. Another important step {to check out} is to avert downloading pirated software as they can contain {harmful|destructive} content. {Always {confirm|validate|check} {the foundation} of {the program} you are {installing|downloading it|getting}.|{Confirm|Validate|Check} {the foundation} of {the program} you are {installing|downloading it|getting} always.} As {almost all of} the operating software developers require {to join up} and digitally sign {almost all their} software. {In case your|If the|Should your|When your} {Operating-system} warns you about the unsigned program than {it is best} to cancel such {set up|unit installation|assembly}.

{Defeat|Do better than|Whip|Combat|Master} ransomware: After {training|exercising|rehearsing|doing} all preventive {steps|actions|procedures|methods|options} {if the} system gets {afflicted|damaged} with ransomware {danger|risk|menace|hazard} apply below {pointed out|described|stated|talked about|brought up} steps to {defeat|conquer|overcome} ransomware.

Disconnect from the network immediately: Once ransomware or any other malware {episodes|problems|disorders} {one's body} it further {attempts|will try} to {hook up} to its {Control|Order|Command word|Demand|Command line} & Control servers {for even more} instruction. {In order to avoid} this situation, {detach} {one's body} from the network once {you can} know about {chlamydia|the problem}. {{In this manner} you can break {the hyperlink} {between your} {contaminated|afflicted} system and the ransomware {machines}.|This real way you can break {the hyperlink} {between your} {contaminated|afflicted} system and the ransomware {machines}.} {This way {it can save you|you save} other machines from getting infected too.|This real way {it can save you|you save} other machines from getting {contaminated|afflicted|attacked} too.} Generally, ransomware {requires a} {time for you to|time and energy to|the perfect time to|a chance to|period to} infect and encrypt {your entire|your} files thus you can {save your valuable} certain data from getting infected.

الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

Stretching Before and After Exercising

{{Stretching out|Stretches} before {a fitness} activity {may also be} {forgotten} because {you want to} get {to} our {working out|training|performing exercises}.|{Stretching out|Stretches} before {a fitness} activity is {forgotten} because {you want to} get {to} our {working out|training|performing exercises} sometimes.} {Whenever we} do not stretch before exercising, we not only {take up a} bad habit but we {will} get injuries.

How {extending|stretching out|stretches} works on our muscles can help us {be sure you} {extend|stretch out|expand} them before and {after every} exercise session. {Once the|If the} muscles are {chilly|cool|frosty|wintry|frigid}, {they may be|these are|they can be|they are really|they are simply} in a shortened position {and also have} {a lesser|less} amount of {blood circulation} to them. {Whenever we} begin to {extend|stretch out|expand} a muscle, it is {pressured|compelled|required|obligated} to {upsurge in} length, {and {that creates} {bloodstream|blood vessels} {circulation|movement|stream|move} {compared to that} area.|and {that creates} {bloodstream|blood vessels} {circulation|movement|stream|move} {compared to that} certain area.} Increasing {the quantity of} blood to a muscle group {is similar to} adding oil to {your vehicle} engine, it acts as a lubricant. {For any|To get a|For the|For just a|For your} muscle {to attain} its {ideal|optimum|maximum|best} lengthened position, it must be {extended} for {at the least} twenty to thirty {mere seconds|secs|moments|a few moments}.

Muscle contractions have two {factors|parameters}, one is {the space|the distance}, and the other is {pressure|stress|anxiety}. A muscle contraction {is named} isometric when the muscle {pressure|stress|anxiety} changes, {however the} muscle {size|duration|span|period} remains the same. {Similarly|Also|Furthermore|Moreover|In the same way}, a muscle contraction {is named} isotonic when the muscle {size|duration|span|period} changes, {however the} muscle {pressure|stress|anxiety} remains the same. {Whenever a} muscle {agreements|deals} and gets shorter it {is named} concentric, {{so when} it gets {much longer} it {is named} eccentric.|{so when} it gets it {is named} eccentric {much longer|a bit longer}.} {{Whenever a} muscle is asked {to go} into a lengthened position quickly,|{Whenever a} muscle is asked {to go} quickly into a lengthened position,} the fibers can tear and break {creating|triggering} strains.

A stretching {program|treatment|period|procedure|time} can be {began} by {increasing|elevating|bringing up|boosting|nurturing} both {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms} over {your mind} as you {breathe} {a huge|a sizable} amount of air. Getting {air} into your {lung area|bronchi} and {center|heart and soul} will {raise the|improve the} body's circulation. {Do that} for {at the least} {3 to 5} times {however, not} {a lot|a great deal|a whole lot|much|very much} that {you feel} light {going}. Step {laterally} to get {the low} body moving next. {When you are} stepping {laterally}, {{you will be} {extending|stretching out|stretches} your {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms} and {shoulder blades}.|{you will be} {extending|stretching out|stretches} your {shoulder blades} and {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms}.} When {finished with} those {get into} trunk rotation or twisting {at the|in your} waist and swinging your arms left to right very gently. {You'll be able to} do lateral {twisting} of the trunk by {inserting|positioning} your feet {make} width {aside} and {increase} one arm to the {roof} {as the} other hand {techniques|movements|goes|steps} toward {the ground} keeping your {mind|brain} looking forward. {Extend|Stretch out|Expand} the quadriceps and the hamstrings, {or {leading} and {back again|backside|rear} of your thigh next.|or {the trunk} and {front side|entrance|entry|forward|leading} of your thigh next.}

Then finally, {proceed to} the calves and the ankles {and also you|and you also|so you|therefore you|and you simply} {are actually} all {extended} and {prepared to} {commence|get started} your exercise {program|treatment|period|procedure|time}.

Let's recap the {exercises}: 
1. {Big {profound} {breathing} while {increasing|elevating|bringing up|boosting|nurturing} both {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms} {over head}|Big {profound} {breathing} while {over head} {increasing|elevating|bringing up|boosting|nurturing} both {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms}} 
2. {Step {laterally} and {extend|stretch out|expand} the {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms} and {shoulder blades}|Step {laterally} and {stretch out} the {shoulder blades} and {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms}} 
3. Trunk rotations or twisting from {still left|departed} to right at the {waistline|midsection|stomach} while swinging your {hands|biceps and triceps|forearms} loosely 
4. Lateral {twisting} at the {waistline|midsection|stomach} 
5. Front and {back again|again} of the {hip and legs|thighs|lower limbs|feet} 
6. {Ankles and calves}

{There are numerous|There are several|There are various|There are plenty of|There are lots of} ways to {extend|stretch out|expand} and {warm-up} before and after exercise. {Among} {the main} things to {keep in mind|bear in mind} is, "{pay attention to} {the body|your system}." {Stretching out|Stretches} can be {unpleasant|uneasy}, and {when there is} any pain, stop doing that {stretch out}. Enjoy stretching. {ALL THE BEST}!

السبت، 29 أكتوبر 2016

How Can Sunflower Oil Be Cholesterol Free

When people hear the word cooking or frying oil, they tend to retract and think of oily and fatty foods. However this is not necessarily the case when it comes to sunflower oil. How fatty or oily the food is will depend on how much of it you add to your food. In saying that, is sunflower oil cholesterol free?
This is such a popular food ingredient and it is used daily in the frying, baking and cooking of various meals. Whenever you cook a pot of food on the stove or want to roast a chicken or vegetables in the oven, the first thing you add is sunflower oil. You may possibly pour a bit of it over the chicken and vegetables to give it a lovely brown and grilled appearance when it bakes in the oven. While you are adding sunflower oil to all your dishes, is it a good idea because of all the cholesterol awareness? Actually, it may be a good idea because 100% pure sunflower oil that is triple refined and undergoes a strict quality control process, is cholesterol free. When it is extracted from the sunflower seed, at this point there is no cholesterol in the seed itself. When the oil is kept at its purest form, with no cholesterol ingredients added, it will remain pure. You do need to check the label to ensure that the sunflower oil that you're buying is cholesterol free. Usually they are endorsed by the heart foundation, so check the label to ensure you're getting a quality product.
In addition, pure sunflower seed oil is high in polyunsaturates, plus it is free of any additives and allergens. It is suitable for most people, provided it is used in moderation (as with any ingredient). It is perfect to use for cooking, baking and frying purposes. Afterwards, you can dispose of this used liquid safely with a used oil collector. And, who knows, it may be used in the manufacturing of biodiesel. If more restaurants switch to 100% pure sunflower oil as the base ingredient for their meals, their customers will notice the difference and return for more. After all, people would rather eat something that was made with a low cholesterol ingredient than one that was prepared with any type of ingredient.
In conclusion sunflower oil that is 100% pure can be cholesterol free, especially when it is triple refined. If the manufacturing process is kept under a strict control process to ensure that no other cholesterol containing ingredients are added, then it is possible.
Our core focus at Golden Fry is to provide specially customized products and services to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. We are an approved used oil collector that supplies Biodiesel to businesses.
Our Range includes: Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Soya Oil and Blended Oil.

الأحد، 23 أكتوبر 2016

Magic Power of Perception

{Do|Performed|Would} you know there is magic in our awareness? Unless one clears up one's perceptions one can {produce a|make a|build a} tremendous amount of confusion in one's {brain|head}. In fact our awareness are constantly producing good and bad biochemical chemicals {within our|inside our} brain {in line with the} way we perceive reality.
{In the event that|In the event|If perhaps} one looks at a problem in the right way, {there is absolutely no|there is not any|you cannot find any} such thing as problems. But if one looks at problems in the wrong way, everything turns into a problem.

Our perceptions can make us happy or sad. When we are happy {our company is|were|we could} producing all the good chemicals in our system. When we are miserable and {unfortunate|unhappy|miserable} we are producing all the bad chemicals {within our|inside our} system. All these chemicals affect our immune system which is under the influence of our unconscious mind and therefore under subconscious control. Positive awareness boost our immune system and negative perceptions {weaken|challenge} and lower our {immune system|resistant|proof} system.

Since mental and physical health is essential to all of all of us for excitement from life, should not we find our perceptions and how we can change them?

Normally {what goes on is|what are the results is} that when we are in our mother's womb our awareness are conditioned by the internal environment and the moment we are {given birth to|created|delivered} our perceptions are trained by the external environment. As we grow up {so that as|and since|as} we gather different {activities|experience} in life we are forced to change our perceptions. When we are young, we are stupid. We {perform a great deal|perform a whole lot|execute a great deal|execute a whole lot|start a great deal|start a whole lot} of stupid things under the influence of all the surging hormones; and of course this is part of learning. {All of us|We all} believe we are heading to live forever {and for that reason|and thus|and so} life becomes one long adventure looking forward. {Nevertheless|On the other hand|Even so}, after having a few knocks and bumps on the highway of life, reality sets in and we realize that {our company is|were|we could} mortal after all. {Fatality|Death} stares in our face. This forces our awareness to change again. {All of us|We all} start looking backwards {and begin|and commence} philosophizing about our future. Because the ego or self does not want to die and {desires|would like|wishes} to live forever we hide behind religious {values|philosophy|morals} and God etc to make ourselves feel more secure and comfortable. {Therefore|Consequently} {you can|one can possibly|anybody can} see that it is the time {dimensions|sizing|aspect} we {stay in|are in} and our perception of time with its associated aging {impact|effect|affect} that forces us to make these fundamental changes in our lives.

{However the|Nevertheless the} magical power of {belief is absolutely|belief is very|understanding is absolutely|understanding is very|notion is absolutely|notion is very} appreciated when one can notice that one can transform oneself {easily|very easily|faultlessly} and instantly throughout life without bringing in the time factor.

{Such as|By way of example|One example is} everyone thinks that one needs will power to achieve things. {This is the|Which is|This provides the} perception. {Right now|Today|Nowadays} if you should put your finger in the fireplace, you know that it will burn. {Perform|Carry out} you require will {force|run|influence} to keep away from it? Obviously not, you {really know what} it means and what it {is going to do|will perform|can do} to you. You will automatically {stay away from|steer clear of|stay clear of} the fire without using will power. The perception here makes it an easy action.

{However|But}, when it comes to smoking, drug dependence {and so on|and so forth|and many others} one will say "I {have zero|do not|don't have any} will power". {1|A single|One particular} sees that the behavior is harmful and doing damage, but one will continue to smoke {stating|expressing|declaring} "I have been smoking for years" and "smoking eases my nerves", {and so on|and so forth|and many others}. Quite clearly, here the perception has not permeated to the inner most layer of the {personal|do it yourself|home} or ego. There is a separation of thought and action. {There exists a fight|There exists a struggle|There exists a challenge|We have a fight|We have a struggle|We have a challenge|There is also a fight|There is also a struggle|There is also a challenge} of desires. One desire wants to continue, the other wants to stop, giving one the impression {that you|the particular one|that a person} has to have will power to stop smoking. There is no understanding in {the person|the consumer|the} of the physical and mental conditioning that {causes|brings about} this false perception. Once you {pull in|generate|reel in} time between you and the action, it is no longer {easy|simple and easy|trouble-free} {anymore|any longer}.

Another perception among the public is the belief that doctors {cure|recover|treat} and cure patients. This kind of delusion of course is very convenient for the doctors in a consumer society to exploit. {This is|That is} however, a two-edged sword for the medical profession. Allowing people to {believe|assume that} medicine is a consumer item may be good business, but {lawsuit is|a lawsuit is|lawsuits is} the price the doctors have to pay for maintaining this misconception. However, {you may not|you don't} think or {believe|assume that} doctors heal or cure patients?

Let all of us see what happens when you cut yourself. You will find that {there exists a|we have a|there is also a} healing power within yourself, wanting you to get back to normal. {In the event that|In the event|If perhaps} you keep that {injury|hurt} clean and protected, it will heal up by itself in about a week {without the} doctor or medicine. This is because this healing power {desires|would like|wishes} you to get better. What to you {imagine|assume|presume} will happen if you keep scratching it or expose it to {dirt|dust particles|particles} and dirt? Is it going to heal? Quite {plainly|evidently} it is not and will probably get infected.

When doctors treat {an individual|the patient|someone} what we do is provide the right conditions for Mother {Character|Characteristics|Mother nature} to heal the patient. That is we help the patient's immune system to heal the person. But if that {immune system|resistant|proof} system does not {react|reply|act in response} then no doctor in the world {conserve|can help you} that individual. So can you see that {it is far from|it is not necessarily|not necessarily} the doctor who does the healing? We basically help you to heal yourself.

Now science {indicates|has demonstrated|shows} all of us that this healing {electric power|electricity|ability} lies in our {immune system|resistant|proof} system {and it is|and is also|which is} under the subconscious control. So if you have a physical or a mental problem you can use this power within you to heal yourself.

الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2016

Beauty Tips For Bad Days

{Most of us|Many of us} have days where we feel (and look) {a bit|slightly|somewhat} below par. Even the most naturally beautiful women. Days where we wish we're able to just hide away while not having to grace anyone with our spotty, {exhausted|fatigued|worn out} looking face. Unless {if you're|most likely|you aren't} like me and {work at home|home based|work from your home}, this however {no|rather than an} option for the {vast majority|the greater part|bulk} of people. Not to worry though. There are some ways we can cheat the appearance of looking good on a bad day, even if we woke up today looking far from our best.

Add some {color|coloring|shade} - Seen sallow looking skin can be {increased|better|improved upon} by adding a touch of colour. Try {by using a} tinted moisturiser, BB cream, bronzer or self excéder to add {a touch|a tip|a sign} of colour to a pale complexion. Finish with a hint of blusher. Don't go overweight though! Try to make your skin look natural with your colouring. For example I'm a redhead and naturally have pale {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area} and eyes. If {We|I actually|My spouse and i} use bronzer, my {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area} just looks dirty! {Custom|Target|Change} your {cosmetic} to your natural colouring.

Concealer - Concealer is {the best|the supreme|the greatest} {tool|system} in your beauty {toolbox|strategy|system}. Blemishes, bruises, dark under eye circles, redness, {marks|scar problems|scar issues} and spots can all be covered {by using a} good quality concealer. Dark under eye circles in particular can produce a face appear tired looking. Concealer will help to lift up and brighten your face. I recommend Younique's {Contact|Feel} Mineral Skin Perfecting Concealer. It's an amazing concealer that works so well, it even covers {tattoo designs|body art|tats}!

Lip colour - Lips colour can draw attention away from tired looking eyes and brighten up your look.

Moisturise - When your skin is dehydrated your skin can look dull and {show up|seem|look} older. Make sure that you moisturise your {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area} in the mornings and {make certain you are} drinking enough {drinking water|normal water} to keep your {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area} and the rest of your body healthy and hydrated. A good quality moisturiser is {one of the better|among the finest} beauty investments you will make.

Sunburn - My enemy. After sun exposure, if you're suffering from burning take a cool {bathtub|shower room|bathe} or bath and apply a cold compress to help cool the {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area}. Younique's Refreshed Rosewater is {a restful|a calming} natural toner {which is effective|which is useful|that is effective|that is useful|gowns is effective|gowns is useful} on sunburn. {It can|Is actually|Really} non-irritating, helps to reduce redness and encourages your skin to heal itself. If your skin {continues to be|remains|remains to be} red, applying a light tinted moisturiser can help to disguise it.

{Exhausted|Fatigued|Worn out} Eyes - {You actually|You truly|You probably} {should not|ought not to|should} get in the behavior of depriving yourself of sleep. However if {if you're|most likely|you aren't} sleep deprived and have tired looking eyes, there are a couple of tricks you can use. As I discussed {previously|before}, concealer is amazing for giving tired eyes a good start. Also try curling your lashes to open up your {eye|sight} and look {a lttle bit|somewhat} more awake (even if {if you're|most likely|you aren't} not! ) Dark eyeliners and eyeshadows can make you appear even more tired than you already are so stick to lighter colours on those days. If all {otherwise|more|different} fails - put your sunglasses on!

Anti-Aging Products

{There are numerous|There are plenty of} anti-aging products in the market that reduce lines and wrinkles and {the consequence of|the consequences of} free foncier on {your skin|skin}. The {performance|efficiency|success} of the products {will depend on|is determined by} the active ingredients and how effectively {you utilize|you make use of} them. There are two main types of anti-aging products that you can use: creams and lotions. {Lotions are|Ointments are|Products are} a blend of oil and liquid with the higher percentage being oils. Creams are usually thick and are easily absorbed by the {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area}. When you apply them on the skin they last {for a long period|for some time|for years}. Lotions are also a mixture of oil and liquid but lighter than creams as the higher percentage is liquid. Since they are lighter, they are easily absorbed by the {pores and skin|epidermis|skin area} than creams.

Common {elements|substances|materials} in anti-aging products

{Whilst|Although|When} different products have different ingredients, {there are several|there are a few} ingredients that are common in {just about all|virtually all|nearly all} products. These ingredients include:

Retinol: Retinol is a vitamin A compound that functions as an antioxidant where it neutralizes the effects of free foncier.

Vitamin C: It's another antioxidant that protects the skin from the results of {sunlight|the sunlight|direct sunlight}.

Hydroxyl stomach acids: Hydroxyl acids are of three types: alpha, beta, and poly. The stomach acids function as exfoliants where they remove the {top|higher|high} layer of old {lifeless|deceased|useless} skin and stimulate the expansion of new {easy|clean|soft} skin.

Using the anti - aging products

{As stated above|As stated before}, the effectiveness of the products {will depend on|is determined by} how well you use them. To guide you here are tips {how} to work with them:

When using the products {you need to use|you should utilize|you should employ} one product at a time. {Relating|Regarding|Matching} to experts, using more than one product at the same time can irritate your skin thus making {signs and symptoms of|signs of} aging {apparent|visible|obvious}. Another thing that you should do is always test the product before applying it on your face or hands. {The easiest way|The simplest way|An effective way} of testing the product is applying {a tiny} amount {from it|than it|of computer} on your {internal|interior} forearm. If the product doesn't {bring about|cause} itching, inflammation or any other {response|effect}, you should go {forward|in advance} and apply it on the face and other parts of {your body|the entire body}.

{Almost all|Most|Every} products come with guidelines of use. To achieve ideal results you should religiously {the actual|stick to the} instructions. {Once|When ever|The moment} using the anti {ageing|maturing|increasing age} products it's always {suggested|advised} that {additionally you|in addition, you|you additionally} use {lotions|skin lotions}. The moisturizers trap {drinking water|normal water} in {the skin|your skin layer}. The extra moisture reduces seen lines and wrinkles. You also tend to have a brighter {tone|appearance|skin tone}.

Tips {how} to protect your skin from {ageing|maturing|the aging process}

In addition to using the anti aging products, you also need {to safeguard|to guard|to shield} your skin from {ageing|maturing|the aging process}. Amazing doing this is avoiding your exposure to the sun. Experts {advise that|suggest that} you avoid being {outside|outside the house|outdoor} between 10 a. meters and 2 p. meters. If you have to be outdoors {at the moment|currently|at this point}, always apply sunscreen with an SPF 30 or {higher|better|increased}. To protect the {sensitive|fragile} skin around your {eye|sight} wear sunglasses.

الجمعة، 14 أكتوبر 2016

أقوى ١٠ أطعمة لحرق دهون البطن

بالأضافة لطرق حرق دهون البطن العديدة المتوافره أمامك، تنسى أن هناك أطعمة لحرق دهون البطن تسهل عليك الأمر وتساعدك في الحصول على بطن مشدود ومسطح كما إنها لذيذة في نفس الوقت . فأن كنت من هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في حرق دهون البطن بشكل أمن وسهل بدون حمية غذائية شديدة وجوع دائم فيمكنك بجانب الرياضة إدراج هذه الاطعمة في طعامك فهي مفعولها أكيد في التخلص من بروز البطن وحرق دهون البطن بشكل عام .

أطعمة لحرق دهون البطن بشكل فعال
١- الشوفان والمكسرات
إن زيادة القدر المستهلك من الألياف القابلة للذوبان هو أحد الطرق المؤكدة للتخلص من دهون البطن، ومن الأطعمة الغنية بهذه الألياف الشوفان والمكسرات والفول والتوت .
يوصي علماء التغذية بتناول جرعة يومية من هذه الأطعمة تتراوح ما بين 25 إلى 35 جرام خاصة إذا كنت تعاني من مرض السكر، لأن الألياف القابلة للذوبان أفضل كثيراً في التحكم في مستوى السكر في الدم مقارنة بالكربوهيدرات مثل الخبز مثلا والتي قد تتسبب في رفع مستوى السكر في الدم ثم تراجعه مجددا .
لدى الموز سمعة سيئة حيث يقال انه يحتوي على قدر من الكربوهيدرات أعلى كثيرا من المسموح به في الأطعمة الصحية ولكن في حقيقة الأمر إن الموز يعد مصدراً ممتازاً للعناصر الغذائية خاصة البوتاسيوم الذي يساعد الجسم على التخلص من السوائل الزائدة .
فإذا شعرت انك تحمل وزناً زائداً من الماء خاصة بعد تناولك لكمية كبيرة من الطعام المالح فإن الأطعمة الغنية بالبوتاسيوم ستساعدك على التخلص من هذا الماء الزائد .
٣- البطيخ
البطيخ أيضاً من الفواكه الغنية بالبوتاسيوم الذي يساعد في خفض وزن الماء في الجسم .
وقد وجدت دراسة أجريت في جامعة كنتاكي أن شرب عصير البطيخ يقلل من الدهون في الجسم كما يخفض نسبة الكلسترول .
٤- الزبادي المخمر
تحتوي الأطعمة المخمرة على بكتيريا نافعة والتي تساعد في تنظيم عملية الهضم .
وقد أجرى الباحثون في جامعة مانيتوبا الكندية دراسة  قاموا فيها بتزويد المتطوعين الذين تم اختيارهم ممن يعانون من الوزن الزائد بحصة واحدة من الزبادي يومياً وتم تقسيم المشاركين  إلى قسمين :
قسم تناول الزبادي العادي والقسم الأخر تناول الزبادي المخمر المدعم بواحدة من ضمن اثنتين من البكتيريا النافعة، وبعد مرور شهر ونصف فإن الأشخاص الذين تناولوا الزبادي المخمر قد خسروا حوالي 3-4% من الدهون الموجودة في أجسامهم وهذه النسبة المتفاوتة من خسارة الدهون نتجت من اختلاف نوعي البكتيريا التي تم إعطائها لهم . وللتمتع بهضم صحي احرص على تناول وجبة من الطعام المخمر يومياً.
٥- الخيار
إذا كنت من الأشخاص المعتادين على تناول التسالي المملحة أو السكرية إذاً فأنت معرض لزيادة دهون البطن التي سيفاجئك مدى أثرها على وزنك بمجرد صعودك على الميزان .
قاوم الإحساس الذي يلح عليك بتناول رقائق البطاطس واستبدلها بشرائح الخيار .
الخيار يحتوي على نسبة عالية من المياه و قدر قليل جدا من السعرات الحرارية مما يجعله الوجبة الخفيفة المثالية التي لن تسبب لك الشعور بالذنب أو الندم أبداً، كما انه يحتوي على الألياف القابلة للذوبان التي تملأ معدتك وتعطيك الشعور بالشبع 
٦- البابايا
دائما ما يتم التغاضي عن البابايا لصالح الفواكه المألوفة بشكل اكبر .
ولكن البابايا تستحق أن تضاف لقائمة البقالة الخاصة بك لأنها تحتوي على الكثير من الإنزيمات المحللة للبروتين والتي تسهل من عملية الهضم كما أنها غنية بالألياف وفيتامين A وفيتامين C حيث تحتوي على ضعف مقدار فيتامين C الموجود في البرتقال  .
٧- نبات الهليون ” الاسبراجوس “
ربما كان نبات الهليون يؤدي إلى رائحة بول سيئة ولكن الفوائد الصحية الرائعة الموجودة فيه تجعلنا نتغاضى عن ذلك ونستمر في تناوله على أية حال .
فالمستويات العالية من الأحماض الامينية التي يفرزها الهليون تجعله مدرا طبيعيا للبول كما أن كوب واحد من الهليون يحتوي على ثلاثة جرامات من الألياف مما يجعل معدتك ممتلئة دائماً فيما بين الوجبات وبالتالي يحافظ على شعورك بالشبع . وهناك عدة أنواع أخرى من الخضروات الغنية بالألياف مثل الفلفل والبروكلي والبازلاء
٨- النعناع
إن خلاصة النعناع معروفة بقدرتها على تقليل الغازات وتخفيف تهيج الجهاز الهضمي، ومجرد تنشق النعناع يقلل من الإحساس بالجوع وبالتالي يجنبك الإفراط في تناول الطعام .
كما إن النعناع يساعد على إسترخاء الجسم والأعصاب والمساعدة على النوم والتخلص من الأرق حيث غالبا عند إتباع حمية غذائية يسبب الرجيم والدايت أرق لصاحبة بسبب عدم تعود الجسم على كمية الطعام القليلة أو السعرات المحددة لفترة مؤقته أو قد تطول قد تعاني من الأرق وخلال فترة الليل مع الأرق ربما ستشعر بالجوع الكثير الذي لو استجبت له يمكنك أن تفسد نظام حميتك كل ذلك يمكنك التغلب عليه طبيعيا باستخدام النعناع .
٩- شاي البابونج
إذا لاحظت أن سروالك أصبح أكثر ضيقاً من المعتاد فقد يكون السبب هو الإنهاك الناتج من إفراطك بالعمل حيث أظهرت الدراسات أن الإجهاد قادر على التأثير في صحة الإنسان كما يؤثر على وزنه . وقد حذرت أخصائية التغذية الدكتورة جيسيكا كراندال من كون الإجهاد يزيد من الدهون المتكونة حول البطن
١٠- الشوكولاتة الداكنة
قبل شراء ألواح الشوكولاتة تأكد من فحص غلافها أولاً فبعض أنواع الشوكولاتة أكثر صحية مما تتصور, فالشوكولاتة الداكنة مثلاً تحتوي على الكاكاو الذي يمثل نسبة أكثر من 60 % من مكوناتها وهذا الكاكاو يحتوي على خصائص مضادة للأكسدة كما انه يقلل الالتهاب ويكبح رغبتك في تناول الحلوى .
وقد وجدت دراسة أجريت في جامعة سان دييغو أن الأشخاص المنتظمين في تناول الشوكولاتة تكون مؤشرات كتلة الجسم عندهم أكثر انخفاضاً من الأشخاص الأقل انغماسا في تناول الشوكولاتة .
منقول من موقع ثقف نفسك

كيف تتجنب ضبابية الشبابيك في الشتاء اثناء القياده ؟

في فصل الشتاء، من الوارد ان يكون الجو ممطر و ضبابي مما يجعل الرؤية غير واضحة عند السير بالسيارة بسبب ضبابية الشبابيك. و هذا يمثل خطورة في بعض الأحيان، بسبب قلة الرؤية مما يجعل القيادة في تلك الحالة اكثر خطورة. خاصة في الصباح وأنت ذاهب للعمل . ولكن من السهل التخلص من ضباب الشبابيك في ثانية، و لكن من الأفضل منع حدوث ذلك من البداية.

كيف تتجنب ضبابية الشبابيك في الشتاء اثناء القياده
1- اول شئ عليك فعله لتجنب ضبابية شبابيك السيارة هو الحفاظ علي جفاف السيارة من الداخل. لأن الهواء داخل السيارة يكون رطب، مما يسبب الضباب داخل السيارة، مما يسبب وجود الضباب . قم بوضع المضلات و الملابس الرياضية و الأشياء الأخري الرطبة داخل صندوق السيارة، و قم بتجفيف حذائك قبل دخول السيارة اذا كانت تمطر في الخارج.

2-تنظيف شبابيك السيارة من الخارج و الداخل ايضاً. الأوساخ تسبب الرطوبة، لذلك اذا كانت شبابيك السيارة مغطاة بالتراب و الأوساخ الأخري ، فأنها تجعل الشبابيك ضبابية بسهولة اكثر
3- استخدم طلاء مضاد للضباب بعد تنظيف شبابيك السيارة. هذا الطلاء ينشأ طبقة تمنع تكون الضباب
4-لا تقم ابداً بمسح شبابيك السيارة باستخدام مساحات السيارة، لأنه لا يزيل الرطوبة و لكن يجعلها اسوأ
5- ادخل هواء دافئ داخل السيارة. الهواء الدافئ يبقي السيارة اكثر دفئاً ولا تسمح بتجديد الهواء. وضع إعادة توزيع الهواء داخل السيارة ،سيقوم فقط نتحريك الرطوبة؛ لذلك من المستحسن ان لا تضع وضع التدفئة. يمكن فقط فتح احدي النوافذ قليلاً بحيث يسمح بدخواء هواء جديد داخل السيارة
6- اخر نصيحة للتخلص من الرطوبة داخل السيارة هو استخدام مزيل للرطوبة. و يمكن ان تعلقها في مراَة الرؤية الخلفية، و سوف تساعد في الحفاظ علي الهواء الجاف داخل السيارة
7- يجب احماء السيارة قبل القيادة، لذلك اذا ظهر اي ضباب علي شبابيك السيارة فمن السهل التخلص منه. عند القيادة يجب الأنتباه فقط علي الطريق، و الأهتمام باشياء اخري مثل ضباب الشبابيك قد يسبب إلهاء قاتل لك.
8- قم بإحماء سيارتك قبل البدء في القيادة و افعل ذلك في فضاء مفتوح و ليس في جراج مغلق لأنه يمكنن ان يسبب لك التسمم بسبب غاز اول اكسيد الكربون
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